Ayuda para el uso de la caja registradora


Webservices are available in this software in order to programatically record sales in the software.
This can be used to record sales made with your own website or software.
In order to use the webservices, you need to purchase an extended licence.
When you enable webservices, a new page becomes visible in the config menu : webservices.
In this page, you can build an example of a query to record a sale, and get you api key.
One order can be recorded in the software with a single call to a particular URL, for example :

You can provide different parameters in the request (you might need to fetch these parameters values in the webservice config page) :
- ID_SHOP and KEYPARAM are fixed parameters for your shop account.
- ID_PAYMENTMETHOD is the ID of the payment method you selected
- ID_DELIVERYMETHOD is the ID of the delivery method you selected
- ID_USER is the ID of the user processing the sale
- You can either put the ID of an existing client, either provide client information
- Then you need to provide the list of items that will be added to the order
- Optionnally you can provide a date (in the unix timestamp format)

Finally in the webservice config page, you will get code example in order to request the webservice written in Java, Php, Node.js, jQuery or curl commandline.

From help Cashier app mobile